Reflections on Teaching

I reflected a bit on what makes me feel so fulfilled after leading an art workshop:

  1. I love being present for the “aha” moment when you realize that perfection is not a goal, not even a necessary ingredient in the journey…that you can just let go and be.

  2. I love celebrating the confidence that emerges when you stop holding something too precious … when you are able to simply play with colors on paper and appreciate you created something from nothing … and that you can do it again and again and again!

  3. I love sparking curiosity and empowering you to follow the “what ifs” that emerge during the process of creating. The end product becomes irrelevant and you’re suddenly immersed in it for the joy of creating … nothing else. It’s humbling. It’s gratifying. It’s what makes my heart sing with joy.

    Thank you for being part of this fun-filled, liberating, empowering self-care journey ❤️


Pep Talk July 19


Pep Talk June 25